Case Rule 5

Rule 5 Series of Downs, Number of Down and Team Possessions After Penalty – With Case Plays



ART. 1 . . . The team which next puts the ball in play by scrimmage following a free kick, touchback or fair catch is awarded a series of four consecutively numbered downs in which to advance the ball to the line to gain.

  1. Each awarded first down starts a new series of four consecutively numbered downs.
  2. The referee shall correct the number of the next down prior to the ball becoming live after a new series of downs is awarded and prior to the declaration of the end of any period.

5.1.1 SITUATION A: What procedure is used to correct an error if it is discovered: (a) a fifth down has been run and the discovery is prior to the ball becoming live after a new series of downs is awarded and prior to the declaration of the end of any period; or (b) A has not been given its allotted four downs and the discovery is prior to the ball becoming live after a new series of downs is awarded and prior to the declaration of the end of any period? RULING: In both cases, the number of the next down can be corrected by the referee. In (a), play will revert to where it was before the fifth down was run after the enforcement of any personal, dead ball or unsportsmanlike fouls that occurred during the down. In (b), the referee can declare the proper next down and resume play.

5.1.1 SITUATION B: Second down and six. On the last play of the third period, A38 gains three yards. After the play, the down-marker indicator is flipped to fourth down. Following a brief pause to ensure no reason to defer ending the period, the referee holds the ball over his head to signify the end of the period. Both teams change ends of the field and the chains are reversed. Before the ball is snapped for the first play of the fourth period, Team A’s coach notifies the game officials that he believes there is an error in the down. RULING: The third period officially ended when the referee held the ball over his head, and therefore the down error may not be corrected.

5.1.1 SITUATION C: During a fifth-down play, Team A is flagged for: (a) illegal formation; (b) holding; (c) twisting the face mask; (d) taunting; or (e) fighting. RULING: The penalties are not enforced in (a) or (b). In (c), (d) and (e), the penalty is enforced as a dead-ball foul before Team B snaps the ball. In (e), the offending player is also disqualified.

5.1.1 SITUATION D: The ball is on the 50-yard line with 10 yards to go for a first down. The down-marker indicator erroneously indicates fourth down when Team K punts on what is actually: (a) third down or (b) fifth down. R6 returns the punt for an apparent touchdown. Prior to the try and without the period ending, it is brought to the attention of the game officials that the down-marker indicator was in error. RULING: In (a), the score is cancelled and the ball is returned to the 50-yard line, third down and 10 for A as Team A. In (b), the fifth down was run in error, the score is cancelled and the ball is returned to the 50-yard line, first down and 10 for R.

5.1.1 SITUATION E: Erroneously, the chains are set before enforcement of a dead-ball foul instead of following enforcement. Up to what point can this be corrected? RULING: Until the ball is legally snapped. After that point, it is too late. 

ART. 2 . . . A new series of downs is awarded:

  1. After a first, second or third down, a new series of downs shall be awarded only after considering the effect of any act during the down other than nonplayer or unsportsmanlike conduct fouls by A, and any dead-ball foul by B.
  2. After a fourth down, a new series of downs shall be awarded only after considering the effect of any act during the down, except a nonplayer or unsportsmanlike foul.

5.1.2 SITUATION A: Following the ready-for-play signal for a new series by A: (a) B1 encroaches, or (b) A1 false starts. RULING: In (a), it is first and 5 and in (b) it is first and 15 for A.

5.1.2 SITUATION B: During A1’s run for a first down to B’s 20-yard line, B12 commits a nonplayer foul for a substitute entering the field during the down, but not participating. Immediately following the down, A1 taunts an opponent. RULING: If accepted, the penalty for B entering during the down is enforced from the succeeding spot. After the decision on this penalty, A will be penalized 15 yards for unsportsmanlike conduct and A will have the ball for a new series, first and 10. (3-7-6, 9-5-1a)

5.1.2 SITUATION C: Third and 10 for A from B’s 40-yard line. A1 gains 10 yards and is downed on B’s 30. A2 taunts B1 during the run. RULING: Since the live-ball action gave A a new series, the line to gain shall be established after A is penalized for A2’s unsportsmanlike act. It will be first and 10 for A from B’s 45-yard line.

5.1.2 SITUATION D: With fourth and 5 on B’s 20, A1 is downed on B’s 16-yard line. During the down, the coach of B is on the field arguing with a game official. Following the down, A1 uses profanity. RULING: Since A did not gain a first down on the fourth-down run by A1, B has a new series. Enforcement of the penalties for the foul on the coach of B and for the foul on A1 offset. B will have the ball first and 10 at B’s 16-yard line.

5.1.2 SITUATION E: Fourth and 2 on B’s 25-yard line. A1 is tackled at the 26, short of the line to gain, and B2 then piles on. RULING: The referee shall signal a change of possession by signaling first down toward A’s goal. The penalty for B2’s dead-ball foul is administered and the line-to-gain equipment then set, making it first and 10 for B from its own 13-yard line. COMMENT: On fourth-down plays, A must get a first down by virtue of the yardage gained, including any yardage or an automatic first down from penalties for player fouls during the down, or it is a new series for B automatically when the down ends unless the down is to be repeated. The penalties for all unsportsmanlike and nonplayer fouls which occur during the down in which a new series is awarded, and dead-ball fouls prior to the subsequent ready-for-play signal, will be administered before the new line to gain is established and the chain and box are set. In all cases it will be first and 10 for A unless it is inside the opponent’s 10-yard line. On plays other than on fourth down, A may gain a first down by virtue of the yards gained or from penalty enforcement.

5.1.2 SITUATION F: With second and 5 at B’s 40, A1 advances to B’s 30. Following the down, A2 illegally contacts B1. RULING: The 15-yard penalty is enforced and then the chain is set. It will be first and 10 for A at B’s 45.

5.1.2 SITUATION G: With fourth and 40 from A’s 10-yard line, A1 runs to A’s 44 where he is downed. During the down, B1 commits a personal foul against A2. RULING: B1’s foul is penalized from the end of the run. It is A’s ball first and 10 from B’s 41-yard line. (2-16-2f, 5-1-2b)

ART. 3 . . . When a scrimmage down ends with the ball in the field of play or out of bounds between the goal lines, a new series is awarded to:

  1. A, if the ball belongs to A on or beyond the line to gain.
  2. B, if the ball belongs to B at the end of any down.
  3. B, if at the end of the fourth down, the ball belongs to A behind the line to gain.
  4. The team in possession at the end of the down, if there is a change of team possession during the down, unless the penalty is accepted for a non post-scrimmage kick foul which occurred before the change of possession.
  5. R, if K legally kicks during any scrimmage down and the ball is recovered by R, is in joint possession of opponents, goes out of bounds or becomes dead with no player in possession.
  6. The team in possession at the end of the down, if R is the first to touch a scrimmage kick while it is beyond the expanded neutral zone, unless the penalty is accepted for a non post-scrimmage kick foul which occurred before the kick ended or unless 6-2-7 applies.
  7. R at the spot of first touching by K, if K is first to touch the kicked ball beyond the expanded neutral zone before it is touched beyond this zone by R and before it has come to rest.

5.1.3 SITUATION A: K1’s field-goal attempt is partially blocked behind the neutral zone, but deflects beyond the neutral zone and is then muffed by R1. The muffed ball is recovered: (a) behind, or (b) beyond the neutral zone by K2. RULING: In both (a) and (b), it is a first down for K. In (a), K2 could have advanced after recovering. (5-1-3f)

5.1.3 SITUATION B: During a fourth-down scrimmage kick by K1 from K’s 40, R1 is first to touch the kick beyond the neutral zone where he muffs it at R’s 30-yard line. The kick is recovered by R2 at R’s 10-yard line. Following the muff by R1, while the ball is loose, there is holding by K2. RULING: The foul occurred before the end of the kick and if the penalty is accepted by R, R may elect to accept the distance penalty from the previous spot, or may elect enforcement from the succeeding spot. (5-1-3d, 10-4-2 EXCEPTION)

5.1.3 SITUATION C: Fourth and 10 on K’s 45-yard line. K1 punts the ball be- yond the neutral zone. R1 muffs the ball back behind the neutral zone where K1 recovers and: (a) falls on the ball at K’s 40-yard line; or (b) throws a forward pass to K3 which is complete at the 50-yard line and R1 interferes with K3; or (c) K1 punts the ball and R1 fair catches at his 30-yard line. RULING: Since R1 touched the kick beyond the neutral zone, it will be first down for the team in possession in (a), (b) and (c). In (a), it is a first down for K at K’s 40-yard line. In (b), the pass is legal as there had been no change of team possession. If K accepts the penalty for pass interference, it will be K’s ball at R’s 40-yard line. In (c), the second punt is legal as there had been no change of team possession. The ball belongs to R first and 10 on its own 30-yard line. (5-1-3f, 6-2-1, 7-5-1)

5.1.3 SITUATION D: K’s ball, fourth and 2 at midfield. The scrimmage kick crosses the expanded neutral zone and is muffed by R at the R 40-yard line. The ball then bounds back behind the line of scrimmage and is recovered by K2 at K’s 43-yard line. K2 advances to K’s 49-yard line where he throws an incomplete pass to eligible receiver K80 at the R38. RULING: This is not an illegal forward pass as the ball was legally thrown behind the neutral zone. There has been no change of possession during the down. K is awarded a new series as the ball was touched by R beyond the expanded neutral zone and K is in possession at the end of the down. It will be K’s ball, first and 10 at midfield due to the incomplete pass. (7-5- 2, 2-34-3, 5-1-3f, 7-5-5)

ART. 4 . . . Unless first touched by R beyond the neutral zone, if the kickers recover a scrimmage kick in or behind the neutral zone, the ball remains live and belongs to K and the down counts.

ART. 5 . . . When a free-kick down ends with the ball in the field of play or out of bounds between the goal lines, a new series is awarded to:

  1. R at the inbounds spot if R touches the kicked ball before it goes out of bounds.
  2. The team in possession of the ball when the down ends if the ball is recovered beyond R’s free-kick line with no first touching by K.
  3. R at the spot of recovery if K recovers the kicked ball before it travels the 10 yards to R’s free-kick line and before R has touched the ball.
  4. R if there is joint possession by R and K of a recovered kick.
  5. R at the spot of first touching by K if K is the first to touch the kicked ball before it has gone 10 yards.

ART. 6 . . . In Articles 3g and 5e, the right of R to take the ball at the spot of the first touching by K is canceled if R touches the kick and thereafter during the down commits a foul or if the penalty is accepted for any foul committed during the down. 


ART. 1 . . . When a penalty is declined, the number of the next down is the same as if the foul had not occurred. If a double foul occurs during a down, the number of the next down is the same as that of the down in which the foul occurred. After a distance penalty, the ball belongs to the team in possession at the time of the foul unless it is a 2-16-2h (post-scrimmage kick) foul or kick-catching interference. Team possession may then change if a new series is awarded.

ART. 2 . . . Foul during a scrimmage down and before any change of possession:

  1. When a foul occurs during a scrimmage down and before any change of team possession, and before a receiver is first to touch a scrimmage kick while it is beyond the neutral zone, the ball belongs to A or K after enforcement unless: 1. It is a 2-16-2h (post-scrimmage kick) foul; 2. The foul is kick-catching interference; or 3. K fouls and R selects succeeding spot enforcement, per 10-4-2 EXCEPTION.
  2. The number of the next down is the same as that of the down during which the foul occurred unless penalty acceptance includes a first down or loss of down, or the enforcement or the advance results in a first down.
  3. The loss-of-down aspect of a penalty has no significance following a change of possession or if the line to gain is reached after enforcement.

5.2.2 SITUATION A: With fourth and 5 from B’s 30, A1 throws a forward pass that is intercepted by B1 on his 10-yard line and returned to B’s 29. While the pass was in flight, ineligible A2 was illegally downfield, and the ball: (a) is muffed by A2 at the 12-yard line prior to being intercepted, or (b) did not touch A2 prior to the touching and interception by B1. RULING: In (a), A has committed two fouls – illegal touching and ineligible downfield. B1 will decline the ineligible downfield penalty to keep the football, but will accept the penalty for illegal touching as the ball will be at B’s 35 following enforcement, and will be B’s ball due to the loss of down foul. In (b), the foul carries a 5-yard penalty and B would then likely decline the penalty and keep the ball first and 10 from its own 29-yard line.

5.2.2 SITUATION B: With fourth down and 4 from the 50, A1 runs to B’s 40 and then throws an incomplete forward pass. RULING: If B declines the penalty, it will be A’s ball first and 10 from B’s 40-yard line. If B accepts the 5-yard penalty for the illegal forward pass, it will still be a first down for A from B’s 45-yard line. The loss of down part of the penalty has no significance since the succeeding spot is beyond the line to gain and a new series is awarded. 

ART. 3 . . . When a foul occurs prior to a scrimmage down, or simultaneously with the snap, the number of the next down after enforcement is the same as the number established before the foul occurred, unless enforcement for a foul by B results in a first down.

ART. 4 . . . When a foul occurs prior to or during a free-kick down and before any change of team possession, the down which follows enforcement is a free- kick down, unless:

  1. R selects succeeding spot enforcement, per 10-2-4 EXCEPTION, or
  2. Following a fair catch or an awarded fair catch, a scrimmage down is chosen for the replay.

ART. 5 . . . Following a foul, a series of downs ends when:

  1. The acceptance of the penalty includes the award of a first down.
  2. Acceptance or declination of any penalty leaves A in possession beyond the line-to-gain.
  3. Declination of any penalty leaves A in possession behind the line to gain after fourth down.
  4. Declination of any penalty leaves B in possession.
  5. There is acceptance or declination of the penalty for any foul which occurs after team possession changes during the down.
  6. R is first to touch a scrimmage kick while it is beyond the neutral zone, unless a non-post-scrimmage kick foul occurs before the kick ends and the penalty is accepted.
  7. Acceptance of a penalty on fourth down which carries a loss of down leaves A in possession behind the line to gain.

5.2.5 SITUATION: K1 punts the ball to R1. R1 catches the punt on his own 10- yard line and begins to advance. During the run, K1 grabs R1’s face mask/helmet opening at R’s 20-yard line. R1 continues to advance, but is hit and fumbles the ball on K’s 10-yard line. K2 recovers the fumble on K’s 5-yard line and K commits a dead ball foul. RULING: If R accepts the penalty for the face-mask/helmet opening foul, it will be enforced from the end of R1’s run (the spot of the fumble), thus making it first and goal for R from K’s 5-yard line. The dead-ball foul would be administered from that point making it first and goal for R from K’s 2½-yard line. If R refuses the face-mask/helmet opening penalty, the ball would belong to K on K’s 5-yard line. R then may accept the penalty for the dead-ball foul by K3 making it K’s ball first and 10 from K’s 2½-yard line. The box and chain are set following enforcement of the dead-ball foul. (5-2-1, 5-2-5e)

ART. 6 . . . After a series of downs ends, a new series with first and 10 yards to gain is awarded unless one of the following is involved: a try; a field goal; or a free kick after a safety, fair catch or awarded fair catch. The first down is awarded to the team in possession when the foul occurs unless, declining the penalty leaves the other team in possession, or as in (c) and (f), accepting or declining the penalty leaves the other team in possession after fourth down. (5-2-5c, f)


ART. 1 . . . The line to gain is 10 yards in advance of the ball’s foremost point when a new series of downs is awarded. When a new series of downs is awarded, the penalties for all fouls (including nonplayer and unsportsmanlike) committed prior to the ready-for-play shall be administered before the line to gain is established. The line to gain then remains fixed until the series ends and a new line to gain is established.

ART. 2 . . . The referee may call for the head linesman to bring the official line-to-gain equipment on the field for a measurement. Measurement shall be parallel with the sideline and from a convenient yard line to the yard line through the foremost point of the ball when it became dead. The ball shall be placed with its long axis parallel with the sideline before measurement. The inside edge of the foremost rod marks the line to gain when the traditional yardage chain is used.

NOTE: A measurement may be requested by the captain prior to the ball being ready for play, but it may be denied if, in      the referee’s opinion, it is obvious the line to gain has or has not been reached.


5.3.2 SITUATION A: With fourth and 1 from A’s 47, quarterback A1 keeps the ball and is downed very near the line to gain. When the down ends, the ball in possession of A1 is: (a) positioned so that its long axis is diagonal to the sideline; or (b) positioned so that its long axis is parallel to the yard line. A measurement is requested. RULING: The ball must be aligned so the long axis is parallel to the sideline in both (a) and (b) prior to measurement. The referee will place his hand at the foremost point of the ball when it became dead and rotate the ball so that its long axis is parallel to the sideline and there is no gain or loss in distance. Following the rotation, measurement will be to the foremost point of the ball.

5.3.2 SITUATION B: Following a third-down play, with either the 25- or 40-second play clock running, the game officials do not measure as the referee judges the line to gain clearly has not been reached. A lines up in punt formation. Just before assuming his set position, the captain of A requests a measurement. RULING: The request is denied for two reasons. The captain must make a request for measurement before the ball is ready for play and no measurement is made if it is obvious the line to gain has not been reached. COMMENT: In any situation where there is doubt, game officials should measure. Following measurement in a side zone, the chain should be used to place the ball at the hash mark. (5-3-2 NOTE)

ART. 3 . . . To start a new series of downs, the inside edge of the rod nearest the goal of the team which is to snap the ball is set on the yard line through the ball’s foremost point. To start a new series of downs after:

  1. A change of team possession, which does not involve a fourth-down incomplete forward pass, a safety or touchback, the foremost point of the ball at the time it became dead becomes the rear point when the direction of the offense is changed.
  2. A fourth-down incomplete forward pass, the ball is placed at the previous spot so the rear point becomes the foremost point.
  3. A safety or touchback, the foremost point of the ball is placed on the 20-yard line.

5.3.3 SITUATION: On fourth and goal from the 5-yard line, the ball is ready for play with the nose of the ball just touching the 5-yard line. Following A1’s incomplete pass, B takes over and the referee places the ball in line with the down box as it was prior to A1’s fourth-down incomplete forward pass, i.e., with the foremost point (nose) of the ball just touching the 5-yard line. RULING: This is incorrect procedure. The ball shall be spotted in the same position it was at the start of the down. When a team fails to reach its line to gain on a fourth-down run, the foremost point of the ball at the time it became dead would become the rear point when direction of the offense is changed. After a fourth-down incomplete pass, the ball is placed “as it was at the start of the down” (or previous fourth-down play). Unless the fourth- down play resulted in a touchback or safety, or A reached its line to gain, B will gain approximately 11½ inches (the length of the football) in field position, and the down box will have to be moved. Following a touchback or safety, the ball is placed with its foremost point touching the 20-yard line. Many game officials seem to find it convenient to merely reset the line-to-gain chains following an incomplete fourth- down pass by using the previous line of scrimmage (down marker) as the position for the rear rod when the direction is changed. This procedure is not correct.

ART. 4 . . . A ball touching the goal-line plane, when it becomes dead is in the end zone, even though it is moving away from the nearer end line and has its foremost point in the field of play.


5.3.4 SITUATION A: With first and 10 from A’s 4-yard line, A1 is tackled and the ball is lying on the 5-inch line with its long axis parallel to the goal line. How is the ball to be spotted? RULING: The referee will, by rule, rotate and place the ball so that its rear point is not penetrating the plane of A’s goal line. The ball is rotated with its rearmost point moved forward just enough so it isn’t touching the goal line. A gains a few inches in the process.

5.3.4 SITUATION B: A1 receives the snap behind his own goal line. A1 advances, but is tackled and the ball becomes dead with its foremost point in the field of play, but part of the ball is in the end zone. RULING: Safety. To avoid a safety, the ball must be advanced completely out of the end zone with no part of it touching the goal line. (8-5-2)