Case Rule 10

Rule 10 Enforcement of Penalties – With Case Plays



ART. 1 . . . When a foul occurs during a live ball, the referee shall, at the end of the down, notify both teams. He shall inform the designated representative of the offended team regarding the rights of penalty acceptance or declination and shall indicate to him the number of the ensuing down, distance to be gained, and status of the ball for each available choice. The distance penalty for any foul may be declined. If the penalty is declined or if there is a double foul, there is no loss of distance. In case of a double foul, the designated representative is not consulted since the penalties offset. The choice of options may not be revoked. Decisions involving penalties shall be made before any charged time-out is granted either team.


10.1.1 SITUATION A: Where is the ball spotted following penalty acceptance when it is snapped from the right-side hash mark and the run ends in the left-side zone and the foul is: (a) illegal motion by A1; or (b) holding by A1 in the middle of the field behind the end of the run; or (c) grasping the face mask/helmet opening by B1 in making the tackle? RULING: In (a), it is spotted at the right-side hash mark. In (b), it is spotted in the middle of the field since the enforcement spot was the spot of the foul. In (c), it is spotted at the left hash mark.

10.1.1 SITUATION B: B1 holds A1 during an unsuccessful try. A’s designated representative wants to accept the penalty and replay of the down, but wishes to decline the distance penalty because A’s kicker is more comfortable kicking from the previous distance. RULING: This is a legal request. The distance penalty for any foul may be declined.

ART. 2 . . . When a foul occurs during a dead ball between downs or prior to a free kick or snap, the covering official shall not permit the ball to become alive. The referee shall notify both teams, and the designated representative of the offended team will be presented with the options and the effect of acceptance or declination on the down and distance to be gained. The designated representative may accept or decline the penalty.

ART. 3 . . . When a live-ball foul by one team is followed by a dead-ball foul by the opponent, the penalties are administered separately and in the order of occurrence.


10.1.3 SITUATION: With fourth and 10 at the 50-yard line, K2 illegally uses his hands at R’s 45-yard line during a scrimmage kick by K1. R1 signals for a fair catch at the R30. The ball is caught by R2 who advances following the whistle. RULING: R may accept the distance penalty for K’s illegal use of hands and have the yardage assessed from the previous spot or the succeeding spot. At this point, K is given the options related to R’s foul and will likely accept the distance penalty for R’s delay of game foul. (3-6-2b, 10-2-3, 10-4-2 EXCEPTION)

ART. 4 . . . When the same team commits a live-ball foul followed by one or more dead-ball fouls, all fouls may be penalized.

ART. 5 . . . Enforcement of a penalty cannot take the ball more than half the distance from the enforcement spot to the offending team’s goal line. If the prescribed penalty is greater than this, the ball is placed halfway from the spot of enforcement to the goal line.

ART. 6 . . . The following fouls by A include loss of the right to replay a down:

  1. Illegally handing the ball forward.
  2. Illegal forward pass. c
  3. Illegal touching of forward pass by an ineligible.

ART. 7 . . . The following fouls by B give A an automatic first down:

  1. Roughing the kicker or holder.
  2. Roughing the passer.
  3. Roughing the snapper. 


ART. 1 . . . It is a double foul if both teams commit fouls, other than nonplayer or unsportsmanlike, during the same live-ball period in which:

  1. There is no change of team possession, unless all fouls committed by R are post-scrimmage kick fouls; or
  2. There is a change of team possession, and the team in possession at the end of the down fouls prior to final change of possession unless all fouls committed by R are post-scrimmage kick fouls; or
  3. There is a change of possession and the team in final possession accepts the penalty for its opponent’s foul at any time during the down.
    In (a), (b) or (c), the penalties cancel and the down is replayed.

10.2.1 SITUATION A: During a run by A1, A2 is holding B1. Thereafter, a fumble by A1 is recovered by B2 who advances for a touchdown. While the ball was loose during the fumble, B3 clipped A3. RULING: Double foul. Both fouls occurred be- fore the change of team possession and the action thus constitutes a double foul. The penalties cancel and the down shall be replayed. (10-2-2)

10.2.1 SITUATION B: K1 is in an illegal position and the scrimmage kick by K2 is caught by R1. During the return by R1, there is clipping by R2 and a subsequent fumble by R1 is recovered by K3. RULING: Double foul. Even though there was a change of team possession during the down, the team gaining final possession had fouled before gaining possession. Both fouls occurred during the down and the result is a double foul. The penalties cancel and the down shall be replayed. (10-2-2)

10.2.1 SITUATION C: With fourth and 15 from midfield, K is called for illegal formation. R1 catches K1’s punt, but is tackled by the face mask/helmet opening by K2. R2 strikes K3 prior to the end of the run. RULING: If R accepts the penalty for either foul by K, it is a double foul. R may decline the penalties and retain possession following enforcement of the penalty for R2’s foul. In either case, R2 shall be disqualified. (9-4-3h, 10-2-3)

10.2.1 SITUATION D: Fourth and five from K’s 20-yard line, K is in an illegal formation at the snap. While K1’s punt is in flight, beyond the expanded neutral zone, R2 blocks K8 in the back at the 50-yard line. R4 catches the kick at R’s 36- yard line and returns it for a touchdown. RULING: This is a post-scrimmage kick foul by R. Therefore, R may decline the penalty for K’s foul and keep the ball after enforcement of the 10-yard penalty for the block in the back, or it may accept the penalty against K, thereby creating a double foul in which case the down shall be replayed. (10-2-1b)

ART. 2 . . . If each team fouls during a down in which there is a change of team possession and the play does not have a post-scrimmage kick foul, the team last gaining possession may retain the ball, provided:

  1. The foul by the team last gaining possession is not prior to the final change of possession, and
  2. The team last gaining possession declines the penalty for its opponent’s foul(s), other than a nonplayer or unsportsmanlike foul.
    In this case, the team that was not last in possession has no penalty options until the team last in possession has made its penalty decision on the fouls prior to the change of possession. After that decision by the team last in possession, the team not last in possession may decline or accept the penalty for the foul by the team last in possession or choose which penalty to have enforced in the case that the team last in possession committed more than one foul following the change.

10.2.2 SITUATION A: During a legal forward pass which crosses the neutral zone, A1 is illegally in motion at the snap. B1 intercepts and during his return, B2 clips A2. RULING: The illegal motion by A1 and the clipping by B2 are both live-ball fouls, but because the foul by B2 followed a change of team possession, they do not automatically constitute a double foul. The designated representative of B (last team in possession) may accept or decline the penalty for A’s foul. If accepted, this creates a double foul and the down is replayed. If declined, then the penalty for B’s foul is enforced if accepted by A. (10-1-3, 10-2-1b)

10.2.2 SITUATION B: A1’s pass is intercepted by B1 at B’s 40-yard line. During B1’s return, A1 and B2 begin fighting at A’s 40-yard line. B1 returns the ball to A’s 2-yard line. RULING: The designated representative of B (last team in possession) may accept or decline the penalty for A’s foul. If B accepts the penalty for A1’s foul, it creates a double foul. B may retain possession by declining the penalty for A1’s foul, in which case, it would be B’s ball at its own 45-yard line following enforcement of B’s penalty (if accepted by A). Both A1 and B2 will be disqualified for fighting. COMMENT: Whenever both teams foul during a change of possession down and the team in final possession gets the ball free of a foul (with “CLEAN HANDS”) they have the opportunity to retain possession. The fact that their opponent’s foul occurred after the change of possession has no bearing on the enforcement. How- ever, when B, the “clean hands” team, retains possession by declining the opponent’s foul, the penalty for B’s foul may be enforced. (9-4-1 PENALTY, 10-2-1b)

10.2.2 SITUATION C: A leads 21-20 with three seconds remaining in the fourth period. It is A’s ball fourth and 1 yard to go on A’s 45-yard line. A1 muffs the snap, and A2 holds while the ball is loose. B1 recovers and advances to A’s 1-yard line where he is downed. During B1’s advance, B2 clips at A’s 10-yard line and time expires during the down. In an effort to prevent a double foul, Team B declines the penalty for A2’s foul. The designated representative of A then wishes to de- cline the penalty for B2’s foul. RULING: The game is over as there is no accepted penalty on the play. (3-3-3a)

10.2.2 SITUATION D: B’s coach is on the field during a forward-pass play. B1 intercepts and A1 grabs B1’s face mask/helmet opening during the return. RULING: B’s ball following enforcement of the penalty for A1’s foul. The unsportsmanlike foul on the coach cannot be paired with A1’s foul to create a double foul. The unsportsmanlike foul is enforced from the succeeding spot, and then the line-to-gain equipment is set. (9-8-2, 10-4-5a) 

ART. 3 . . . If each team fouls during a down in which there is a change of possession and all R fouls are post-scrimmage kick fouls, then R may retain the ball, provided R declines the penalty for K’s foul(s), other than a nonplayer or unsportsmanlike foul. In this case, K has no penalty options until R has made its penalty decision. After that decision by R, K may decline or accept the penalty for the foul by R or choose which penalty to have enforced in the case that R committed more than one foul following the change.


10.2.3 SITUATION: A scrimmage kick by K1 is caught by R1 who advances to K’s 10. During the run by R1, there is clipping by R2 at K’s 30 and K2 trips R2. RULING: Because there was a change of team possession during the down and R2’s foul followed the change, R may decline the penalty for the tripping foul by K2 and retain possession. If R chooses to do this, it will be first and 10 for R from K’s 45-yard line. If R accepts the penalty for tripping by K2, it automatically results in a double foul and a replay of the down.

ART. 4 . . . When two or more live-ball fouls (other than nonplayer or unsportsmanlike) are committed during the same down by the same team (multiple fouls), only one penalty may be enforced. The designated representative of the offended team may choose which one shall be administered, or all penalties may be declined. When a team commits a nonplayer or unsportsmanlike foul during that same down, it is administered from the succeeding spot as established by the acceptance or declination of the penalty for the other foul.


10.2.4 SITUATION: With first and 10 from A’s 30, A1 advances to B’s 40 where he fumbles. A2 recovers and advances to B’s 10 where he is downed. While the ball was loose following A1’s fumble, B1 held A1, and during the advance by A2, B2 grabbed A2’s face mask/helmet opening. RULING: This is a multiple foul and the designated representative of A may accept either penalty or decline both and take the results of the play. If the penalty is accepted for B1’s foul it will be enforced from the end of A1’s run where he fumbled. It would be first and 10 from B’s 30. If the penalty for B2’s foul is accepted, it will be enforced from the end of A2’s run. In this case it would be first and goal for A from B’s 5-yard line. (10-3-3a)

ART. 5 . . . Enforcement of penalties for unsportsmanlike, nonplayer or dead-ball fouls:

  1. Penalties for dead-ball fouls, other than when both teams commit unsportsmanlike, nonplayer or dead-ball personal fouls prior to the completion of penalty administration for those fouls, are administered separately and in the order of occurrence. A dead-ball foul is not coupled with a live-ball foul or another dead-ball foul to create a double or multiple foul.
  2. If both teams commit unsportsmanlike, nonplayer or dead-ball personal fouls prior to the completion of penalty administration for those fouls, the distance penalty for an equal number of 15-yard unsportsmanlike, nonplayer or dead-ball personal fouls will offset. Any remaining penalties will be enforced separately and in the order of occurrence.
  3. A disqualified player or nonplayer shall be removed.

10.2.5 SITUATION A: With third and 8 on B’s 40, A1 advances to B’s 35 where he is downed. B1 piles on and, almost immediately thereafter, A2 spears B1. RULING: The distance penalties for the dead fouls cancel. The down counts; it will now be fourth and 3 from B’s 35. If A2’s spearing is judged by the game official to be flagrant, he shall be disqualified. (9-4-3i; 10-2-5b, c)

10.2.5 SITUATION B: In a state where tie games are resolved by the 10-Yard Line Procedure, the game ends in a tie. Immediately following the final whistle, there is a fight between A1 and B1 and: (a) none of the game officials observed which player actually struck the first blow; or (b) A1 struck B1 who retaliated; or (c) B1 first struck A1 who retaliated. In (a), (b) and (c), A wins the toss and elects to go on defense first. RULING: In (a), (b) and (c), A1 and B1 will be disqualified for fighting and they may not participate in the overtime. In (a), (b) and (c), the distance penalties cancel and the overtime will begin with B putting the ball in play, first and goal, from the 10-yard line. (2-11; 10-2-5b, c)

10.2.5 SITUATION C: On third and 8 from B’s 45-yard line, runner A1 falls to the ground as he goes out of bounds at B’s 40. B1 piles on. A2 then punches B2. The covering official indicates the fouls by both B1 and A2. The coach of B then insults the game official for calling the foul on B1. RULING: The distance penalties for B1’s dead-ball personal foul and A2’s punch cancel. The unsportsmanlike foul against the coach of B will be enforced with a 15-yard penalty, giving A a first and 10 from B’s 25. A2 shall be disqualified for fighting. (9-4-1; 9-4-3c; 9-8-1c; 10-2-5b, c; 10-4-4)

10.2.5 SITUATION D: A has the ball, third and 7 from A’s 20-yard line and runner A1 is driven out of bounds at the A25. Following the play, a fight breaks out involving A1, A2, B1, B2, B3 and B4. All six players are flagged for their involvement in the fight. RULING: The distance penalties for the two fouls against Team A, and two of the fouls against Team B cancel. The remaining two fouls against Team B are enforced separately and in order, resulting in a first and 10 for A at B’s 45-yard line. A1, A2, B1, B2, B3 and B4 are disqualified for fighting. (9-4-1; 10-2-5b, c; 10-4-4)

10.2.5 SITUATION E: A has the ball, third and 6 from B’s 45-yard line and runner A1 is driven out of bounds at B’s 35-yard line. Following the play, a fight breaks out involving A1, A2, A3, A4, B1 and B2. All six players are flagged for their involvement in the fight. RULING: The distance penalties for two fouls against Team A, and the two fouls against Team B cancel. The remaining two distance penalties against Team A are enforced separately and in order. Since the live-ball action gave A a new series, the line to gain shall be established after A is penalized for the two remaining fouls. This results in a first and 10 for A at A’s 35-yard line. A1, A2, A3, A4, B1 and B2 are disqualified for fighting. (5-1-2a, 9-4-1, 10-2-5b, c; 10-4-4)

10.2.5 SITUATION F: On third and 10 from B’s 40-yard line, A1 runs out of bounds at B’s 35-yard line. After A1 is out of bounds, B1 charges into A1, knocking him to the ground. A2 retaliates by shoving B1. B1 then swears at A2. A’s coach swears at the wing official: (a) before the referee has determined the appropriate enforcement of the penalties; or (b) after the referee is giving his signals and the umpire begins marking off the enforcement. RULING: In (a), since penalty enforcement had not yet been determined, the penalties for A’s two fouls will offset the penalties for B’s two fouls, resulting in fourth and 5 from B’s 35-yard line. In (b), because the foul on Team A’s coach occurred after determination of penalty enforcement, that penalty will be enforced separately. Since there were initially two fouls by Team B and one foul by Team A, the referee would have already determined that the penalty for only one of B’s fouls would be enforced 15 yards to B’s 20-yard line, giving Team A a first down. Team A will then be penalized 15 yards for the last foul from B’s 20-yard line to B’s 35-yard line, where it will be first and 10 for Team A.

10.2.5 SITUATION G: A1 scores on a long touchdown run. During the down, prior to the score, B1 committed a personal foul. During the down or following the score, A1 commits an unsportsmanlike conduct foul for celebrating. RULING: 10-2-5 does not apply as B1’s personal foul was not dead ball. A can keep the score and will have the option to enforce B’s foul on the try or on the succeeding free kick. B will then have the option to accept the penalty for A1’s unsportsmanlike conduct foul as these fouls should be enforced separately and in order of occurrence. (8-2-2)

10.2.5 SITUATION H: B1 intercepts A1’s pass and returns the interception for a touchdown. After the change of possession, A2 commits a personal foul during the return. During the down or following the score, B1 commits an unsportsmanlike foul for celebrating. RULING: 10-2-5 does not apply as A2’s personal foul was not dead ball. B can keep the score and will have the option to enforce A’s foul on the try or on the succeeding free kick. A will then have the option to accept the penalty for B1’s unsportsmanlike conduct as these fouls should be enforced separately and in order of occurrence. (8-2-3) 

ART. 6 . . . A foul during a try is not paired with a dead-ball foul to create a double or multiple foul. 


ART. 1 . . . A loose-ball play is action during:

  1. A free kick or scrimmage kick, other than those defined in 2-33-1a.
  2. A legal forward pass.
  3. A backward pass (including the snap), illegal kick or fumble made by A from in or behind the neutral zone and prior to a change of team possession.
    NOTE: The run(s) which precedes such legal or illegal kick, legal forward pass, backward pass or fumble is (are) considered part of the action during a loose-ball play.

10.3.1 SITUATION A: With third and 10 from B’s 40, A1 takes the snap and runs wide and pitches back to A2. A2 catches the ball behind the neutral zone and runs to B’s 10 where he is downed. (a) During the pitch, there is holding by B1; or (b) B2 grasps A2 by the face mask/helmet opening during the tackle. RULING: In (a), the holding by B1 occurred during a loose-ball play. The basic spot is the previous spot. If A accepts the penalty it will be A’s ball first and 10 at B’s 30-yard line. In (b), the face-mask/helmet opening penalty occurred during a running play. The basic spot is the end of the run. If A accepts the penalty, it will be A’s ball first and goal at B’s 5. (10-4-2b, 10-4-3)

10.3.1 SITUATION B: A1 receives the snap and begins a run behind the neutral zone: (a) A1 fumbles the ball and then kicks it while it is rolling on the ground; or (b) A1 advances beyond the neutral zone and either kicks or passes the ball forward. RULING: In (a), it is a foul during a loose-ball play and will be penalized from the spot of the illegal kick per 10-4-4a. In (b), it is a foul during a running play and it will be penalized from the spot of the illegal kick or illegal pass per 10- 4-4f. (10-3-3b, 10-4-4a, 10-4-4f)

ART. 2 . . . A running play is any action not included under Article 1, other than those defined in 2-33-1a.

ART. 3 . . . The end of the run is: a. Where the ball becomes dead in the runner’s possession. b. Where the runner loses possession if his run is followed by a loose ball. c. The spot of the catch or recovery when the momentum rule is in effect.


10.3.3 SITUATION A: B1 intercepts A’s pass at the A10 and returns for a touch- down. B2 clips in A’s end zone after the interception, but before the score. RULING: The basic spot is end of run which is the goal line. After penalty enforcement, it would be B’s ball, first and 10, at A’s 15-yard line.

10.3.3 SITUATION B: K1 kicks off from K’s 40. The kick is caught by R1 at R’s 5-yard line. R2 then clips at the 50-yard line. After the clip, R1 fumbles at R’s 20- yard line, where R3 picks up fumble and advances for touchdown. RULING: The basic spot is where the run ended, which was the fumble at R’s 20. After penalty enforcement, it would be R’s ball, first and 10, at R’s 10-yard line.


ART. 1 . . . If a foul occurs during a down, the basic spot is determined by the action that occurs during the down. This is the basic spot for penalty enforcement.

ART. 2 . . . The basic spot is the previous spot unless 8-5-2c applies for:

  1. A foul which occurs simultaneously with the snap or free kick.
  2. A foul which occurs during a loose ball play, as defined in 10-3-1. See 10-5- 5 for special enforcement on roughing the passer. See 10-5-1b for special enforcement on kick-catching interference.
  3. A foul which occurs during a down in which a legal kick occurs and an inadvertent whistle ends the down prior to possession by either team.
  4. A foul by A or B when the run or related run ends behind the line of scrimmage where there is no change of possession;
  5. A foul by A that occurs behind the line of scrimmage when the run or related run ends beyond the line of scrimmage;
  6. A foul by A that occurs beyond the line of scrimmage when the run or related run ends behind the line of scrimmage; and
  7. A foul by A or B when the run or related run ends behind the line of scrimmage before a change of possession.
    EXCEPTION: The basic spot may, at the option of the offended team, be the succeeding spot for fouls by K during a legal free or scrimmage kick down (other than kick catch interference) prior to the end of the kick when K will not be next to put the ball in play.

10.4.2 SITUATION A: Quarterback A1 receives the snap and while in or behind the neutral zone, throws a backward pass to A2. During his advance, but while still in or behind the neutral zone, A2 fumbles. While the ball is loose, there is a foul by B1. The fumble is recovered by A3. RULING: This is a foul during a loose-ball play. The penalty, if accepted, will be administered from the basic spot, which is the previous spot. A loose-ball play includes the run or runs which preceded the loose ball. A fumble by A2 in or behind the neutral zone constitutes a loose-ball play. (10-3-1c, 10-3-1 NOTE)

10.4.2 SITUATION B: During a scrimmage down, quarterback A1 throws a backward pass to A2 who runs about 30 yards behind the neutral zone and toward the sideline before throwing a forward pass downfield. There is holding by A3: (a) during the backward pass; or (b) during the run which preceded the forward pass; or (c) during the forward pass at the line of scrimmage. RULING: It is a loose-ball play in (a), (b) and (c). The basic spot in all three cases is the previous spot. COMMENT: All the action which preceded A2’s forward pass is included in this single loose-ball play. While it is possible to have several running plays during a down, with each one having its own basic spot of enforcement, there can only be one loose ball play during a down. Rule 10-3-1 NOTE states: “The run(s) which precedes such legal or illegal kick, legal forward pass, backward pass or fumble is (are) considered part of the action during a loose-ball play.” This means it includes all action from the time of the snap to the end of the “loose-ball play.” When any foul occurs during a free kick, scrimmage kick, legal forward pass, backward pass (including the snap) or fumble made by A from in or behind the neutral zone…even if several of these actions happen during the same down…the basic spot remains the same, the previous spot which is the spot of the snap or free kick. (10-3-1 NOTE)

10.4.2 SITUATION C: On third and 20 from his own 35-yard line, A1 throws a forward pass to A2. Prior to the catch, B1 is detected holding. A2 advances to B’s 45 following the catch. RULING: B1’s foul occurred during a loose-ball play and if the penalty is accepted it will be enforced from the previous spot. A obviously will decline the penalty since it has gained 10 yards more and has a first down. The holding penalty cannot be added to the end of the run because the foul was committed during the loose-ball play. (10-3-1b, 10-4-2b)

10.4.2 SITUATION D: A1 behind the neutral zone has the ball batted from his possession by B1. While the ball is loose: (a) A2 holds B1, or (b) B2 grasps A2’s face mask/helmet opening. RULING: Since A1 lost possession, the status of the ball is the same as if it had been fumbled by A1, therefore fouls during this interval are fouls during a loose-ball play. In (a), the penalty is enforced from the previous spot if A1’s foul was beyond the previous spot. In (b), the penalty is enforced from the previous spot, regardless of where B1’s foul occurred or where the down ends. 

ART. 3 . . . The basic spot is the spot where the kick ends when R commits a post-scrimmage kick foul (2-16-2h). R fouls behind the post-scrimmage kick spot are spot fouls.


10.4.3 SITUATION A: Fourth and 8 for K from its own 45-yard line. Prior to R2 catching the kick, R7 clips K5 at the 50-yard line and R2 catches the kick at his 20-yard line and is immediately tackled. RULING: The ball will belong to R, first and 10 at its 10-yard line. The basic spot is the 20-yard line as post-scrimmage kick enforcement applies. (2-41-6) 

10.4.3 SITUATION B: Fourth and 9 for K from its own 40-yard line. R10 holds K11 at K’s 42-yard line. R11 catches the kick at R’s 25-yard line and is tackled at R’s 29-yard line. RULING: If K accepts the penalty for holding, it will be K’s ball, first and 10 from the 50-yard line. Post-scrimmage kick enforcement applies only to R fouls committed beyond the expanded neutral zone. (2-41-6)

10.4.3 SITUATION C: Fourth and 11 from K’s 36-yard line. While the ball was in flight, beyond the expanded neutral zone, R6 was guilty of holding K3 at R’s 32-yard line. The kick goes into the end zone. RULING: Since the kick ended in R’s end zone, the post-scrimmage kick enforcement spot is the 20-yard line. It will be R’s ball, first and 10 from R’s 10-yard line after the half-the-distance enforcement. (2-41-6)

10.4.3 SITUATION D: K is in punt formation from the 50-yard line. Following the snap, but prior to the ball being kicked, R6 holds K4 at R’s 46-yard line. The punt crosses the neutral zone, bounces at R’s 25, and rolls to R’s 18 where R4 re- covers. RULING: This foul satisfies all the conditions for post-scrimmage kick enforcement as the foul occurred during the down and on R’s side of the expanded neutral zone, so the basic spot is R’s 18-yard line. Since R6’s foul occurs beyond the basic spot, the penalty is enforced from the basic spot. R is penalized half the distance to the goal, making it R’s ball first and 10 at R’s 9-yard line. (2-16-2h)

10.4.3 SITUATION E: K2 punts from the 50-yard line. The punt crosses the neutral zone, bounces at the R45 and then rebounds back to K’s 48-yard line where R4 recovers. Prior to the end of the kick, R6 clips K11 at R’s 40-yard line. RULING: This foul satisfies all the conditions for post-scrimmage kick enforcement, so the basic spot is K’s 48-yard line. Since R6’s foul occurs behind the basic spot, the penalty is enforced from the spot of the foul. R is penalized 15 yards, making it R’s ball first and 10 at R’s 25-yard line. (2-16-2h)

ART. 4 . . . The basic spot is the spot of the foul for:

  1. Illegal batting or illegal kicking when the foul occurs behind the end of the run or related run;
  2. Illegal participation as in 9-6-4a and 9-6-4g;
  3. An illegal forward pass as in 7-5-2c and intentional grounding as in 7-5-2d;
  4. A foul by the team in possession that occurs behind the end of the run or related run following a change of possession;
  5. When A commits any foul in his end zone for which the penalty is accepted (8-5-2c); and
  6. A foul by A that occurs beyond the line of scrimmage during a running play as defined in 10-3-2 when:
    1. The run or related run ends beyond the line of scrimmage; and
    2. The foul occurs behind the end of the run or related run.

10.4.4 SITUATION A: Fourth and 5 for K from R’s 49-yard line. R9 catches the kick on the 15-yard line and returns the ball to R’s 40-yard line, where he is downed. During the return, R3 holds K7 at R’s 30-yard line. RULING: Following enforcement of R’s holding penalty, it would R’s ball, first and 10 from R’s 20-yard line. This is not a post-scrimmage kick enforcement, but a post-possession foul. (2-41-6)

10.4.4 SITUATION B: A1 throws a pass from B’s 22-yard line. B1 intercepts the pass in his own end zone and is tackled prior to leaving the end zone. During the run, B2 holds A2 at B’s 10-yard line. RULING: The basic spot is the 20-yard line. If the penalty is accepted, it will be enforced from the spot of the foul. B will have a first and 10 from its own 5-yard line. If the penalty is declined, it will be B’s first and 10 from B’s 20-yard line.

10.4.4 SITUATION C: With third and 7 from A’s 25-yard line, A1 advances to A’s 35-yard line where he fumbles the ball. Before A1 fumbled the ball, A2 held B3 at A’s 40-yard line. A3 recovers the fumble at A’s 30-yard line. If B accepts the penalty for holding, where will the basic spot for penalty enforcement be? RULING: The basic spot is the spot where the run ended, which is A’s 35-yard line. A would still have third and 7 from its own 25-yard line. (2-41-8) 

10.4.4 SITUATION D: It is third and 6 from B’s 40-yard line. A1 advances to B’s 30 where B1 grabs his face mask/helmet opening in attempting the tackle. (a) A1 fumbles and B1 recovers and advances to B’s 40; or (b) A1 hands off to A2 who is subsequently tackled on the 20; or (c) A1 pitches back to A2 who advances to B’s 18-yard line. Where is the basic spot of enforcement if A accepts the penalty for B1’s foul? RULING: In (a) and (c), the basic spot is where A1 lost possession by his fumble or pass and this is the end of the run. In both cases the penalty will be administered from B’s 30 and put the ball on the 15-yard line. In (a), A retains possession since it had possession when the foul occurred. In (b), the handoff to A2 did not end the run. A1’s run does not end unless possession is lost by the runner either fumbling or passing. The end of the run is where A2 was tackled. The penalty enforcement will result in the ball being placed on B’s 10-yard line.

10.4.4 SITUATION E: R1 catches a punt on his 4-yard line and his momentum carries him behind his goal line where he is downed in the end zone. After the kick has ended, but before the ball becomes dead: (a) K1 holds in R’s end zone; or (b) K1 holds at R’s 5-yard line; or (c) R2 holds in the end zone. RULING: If R accepts the penalty in either (a) or (b), it will be R’s ball first and 10 from its 14-yard line. R will put the ball in play by a snap. If R declines the penalty in either (a) or (b), the ball will be put in play by R at the 4-yard line since the kick was caught there. In (c), it is a safety since the foul occurred in the end zone. COMMENT: When the “momentum” exception applies and the ball becomes dead behind the goal line, if the penalty for a foul by either team is accepted, the end of the run is the spot where the kick, fumble or pass was caught or recovered. The penalty is enforced from the basic spot defined in Rule 10-4. If “momentum” is not involved, the end of the run is the goal line. (8-5-2a EXCEPTION, 10-3-3c, 10-4)

ART. 5 . . . The basic spot is the succeeding spot for:

  1. An unsportsmanlike foul.
  2. A dead-ball foul.
  3. A nonplayer foul. d
  4. When the final result is a touchback.
  5. A foul by B when the run or related run ends beyond the line of scrimmage;
  6. A foul that occurs beyond the end of the run or related run following a change of possession; and
  7. A foul by A that occurs beyond the line of scrimmage during a running play as defined in 10-3-2 when:
    1. The run or related run ends beyond the line of scrimmage; and
    2. The foul occurs in advance of the end of the run or related run.

NOTE: The succeeding spot may, at the option of the offended team, be the subsequent kickoff as in 8-2-2, 8-2-3, 8-2-4 and 8-2-5.


10.4.5 SITUATION A: With third and goal from B’s 2-yard line, A1’s forward pass is intercepted by B1 in the end zone and returned for an apparent touch- down. During B1’s run, B2 clips at the 50, after which the coach of B comes on the field at A’s 40 to criticize the covering official’s call. RULING: First and 10 for B on its 20-yard line. Since the foul by B’s coach is an unsportsmanlike foul, it is enforced from the succeeding spot after the penalty for B2’s live-ball foul is enforced. The line-to-gain equipment is not set until all penalties have been administered. This is not a multiple-foul situation.

10.4.5 SITUATION B: During a run by A1 on first down from A’s 10 to midfield, A2 clips B1 at A’s 20. (a) B1 swears at A2; or (b) A3 taunts B2. RULING: The un- sportsmanlike foul in (a) or (b) is not paired with any other foul to create a double or multiple foul. Following the acceptance of the penalty for the clip by A2, the unsportsmanlike fouls will be administered from A’s 10 which is the succeeding spot. In (a), it will be A’s ball first down and 10 from its own 25-yard line. In (b), it will be A’s ball first and 15 from A’s 5-yard line. COMMENT: If a nonplayer or unsportsmanlike foul occurs during a down resulting in a change of possession or a first down, the line-to-gain equipment is set following enforcement of the penalty. Penalizing unsportsmanlike-player fouls from the succeeding spot provides consistent enforcement for all unsportsmanlike-conduct fouls. It also supports the philosophy that no unsportsmanlike-conduct foul should go unpenalized. A team does not have to decline an unsportsmanlike-conduct penalty in order to retain possession of the ball. (2-16-2f)

10.4.5 SITUATION C: With fourth and 40 from A’s 10-yard line, A1 runs to A’s 44 where he is downed. During the down, substitute B1 enters the field, but does not participate. RULING: B1’s foul is a nonplayer foul penalized from the succeeding spot. It is B’s ball first and 10 from A’s 49-yard line. (2-16-2f, 3-7-6)

10.4.5 SITUATION D: With the score, B-14 and A-8, a pass from A1 is complete in the end zone to A2 during the down in which time expires for the fourth period. During the down, there is holding by B1 and after the down, B2 is charged with an unsportsmanlike foul. RULING: A will undoubtedly accept the result of the play and enforce the holding penalty from the 3-yard line and enforce the penalty for the unsportsmanlike foul. The ball would then be snapped for the try from the ¾-yard line. (3-3-3a, 10-5-1f)

10.4.5 SITUATION E: A scores on the last play of the: (a) second period; or (b) fourth period, to make the score, B-21 and A-19. During A’s successful 2-point try, B1 commits an unsportsmanlike foul. RULING: In (a), the penalty is enforced from the succeeding spot on the kickoff to start the third period. In (b), the penalty for B1’s foul will be administered from the succeeding spot if an overtime is played. COMMENT: When a procedure for resolving ties is being used, the referee should explain the options very carefully to the captains and designated representatives at the time of the coin toss prior to the overtime period. For example, if the captain of B wins the choice, he may: (1) choose the end of the field in which the ball will be put in play or he may choose to go on; (2) offense; or (3) defense. Should he choose to go on offense first, B will put the ball in play first and goal from the 25-yard line. Should he choose to go on defense first, A will put the ball in play first and goal from the 5-yard line, which is half the distance from the spot of enforcement, if the penalty is accepted by the designated representative. If the captain of B chooses to designate the end of the field from which the ball will be put in play, the captain of A then will have the choice of going on offense or defense first. (2-41-9, 3-3-3d)

10.4.5 SITUATION F: After A1 scores a touchdown, he is struck by B1. The coach of A then insults a game official before the penalty for the personal foul by B1 is administered. RULING: The penalties for both the dead-ball personal foul by B1 and the unsportsmanlike foul by the coach of A will cancel. If B1’s act was judged by the game official to be fighting, he shall be ejected. (2-41-10; 8-2-5; 8-3-2; 9-4-3b, g, j; 9-8-1c; 10-2-5b, c) 

10.4.5 SITUATION G: A2 commits an unsportsmanlike dead-ball foul: (a) following a touchdown by A1; or (b) following a successful try. RULING: In (a), B is given the option of accepting the penalty enforcement on the try or the subsequent kick. In (b), the succeeding spot is the kickoff. COMMENT: If the try had been the last play of the game and the score was tied, the succeeding spot for enforcement of the penalty for the foul by A2 would be the start of the overtime procedure. If an overtime is not authorized, the foul cannot be penalized because there would be no succeeding spot. (2-15, 2-41, 8-2-4)


10.4.5 SITUATION H: B1 intercepts a pass in his own end zone and is tackled there after attempting to advance. During B1’s run, B2 clips A1 at B’s 4-yard line. RULING: The basic spot is the 20-yard line. If the penalty is accepted it will be enforced from the spot of the foul, B’s ball first and 10 from B’s 2-yard line. If the penalty is declined, it is B’s ball first and 10 from B’s 20-yard line.

10.4.5 SITUATION I: K1’s scrimmage kick is blocked on K’s 5-yard line and is rolling away from K’s goal line when R1 muffs the ball into K’s end zone (applies a new force to a grounded kick). K2 recovers the ball and attempts to advance, but is downed in the end zone. During K2’s run: (a) R1 holds K3 in the end zone; or (b) K3 holds R1 in the end zone. RULING: In (a), it is a touchback and the basic spot is the 20-yard line. In (b), since the foul is in the end zone, it is a safety.

ART. 6 . . . The basic spot is the 20-yard line for fouls by either team when the opponent of the team in possession at the time of the foul is responsible for forcing the ball across the goal line of the team in possession, and the related run ends in the end zone and is followed by a loose ball, regardless of where the loose ball becomes dead.


10.4.6 SITUATION A: B1 intercepts A1’s pass in B’s end zone where B1 is grabbed by the face mask by A2 who twists the mask. B1 then fumbles while in the end zone and (a) the ball rolls back into the field of play and then goes out of bounds at B’s 2-yard line; (b) the ball rolls back into the field of play where B7 recovers the ball at B’s 5-yard line. RULING: In both (a) and (b), the basic spot is the 20-yard line (15-yard line in 6, 8 and 9 player) and the accepted penalty will result in a first down for Team B at its 35-yard line.

10.4.6 SITUATION B: B1 intercepts A’s pass in B’s end zone, B2 clips A9 at B’s 10-yard line after the change of possession. B1 then fumbles in B’s end zone and the ball rolls out of the end zone and out of bounds at B’s 2-yard line. RULING: The penalty is enforced from the basic spot defined in Rule 10-4. The basic spot is the 20-yard line. The penalty would be enforced half the distance, first and 10 for B on the 5-yard line. (10-4-6)

ART. 7 . . . The basic spot is the goal line for fouls, which are committed during running plays by the opponent of the team in possession at the time of the foul when the team in possession is responsible for forcing the ball across its own goal line, and the related run ends in the end zone.


10.4.7 SITUATION: B1 intercepts A1’s pass at B’s 6-yard line and retreats to B’s end zone where B1 is grabbed by the face mask by A2 who twists the mask. B1 then fumbles while in the end zone and (a) the ball rolls back into the field of play and then goes out of bounds at B’s 2-yard line; (b) the ball rolls back into the field of play where B7 recovers the ball at B’s 5-yard line. RULING: In both (a) and (b), the basic spot is the goal line and the accepted penalty will result in a first down for Team B at its 15-yard line.

ART. 8 . . . The basic spot is the spot where the related run ends for a foul which occurs during a running play as defined in 10-3-2 unless the provisions of 10-4-2 through 10-4-7, or 10-5 apply. 


ART. 1 . . . The following fouls have special enforcement provisions and options for the offended team:

  1. Free kick out of bounds untouched by R. (6-1-9)
  2. Kick-catching interference. (6-5-6)
  3. Unfair acts. (9-9)
  4. A foul by the opponent of the scoring team on a successful try. (8-3-5)
  5. A foul by the opponents of the scoring team on a successful field goal. (8-4-3)
  6. Fouls that occur during or after a touchdown scoring play. (8-2-2, 8-2-3, 8-2-4 and 8-2-5)
  7. Roughing the passer. (9-4-4)
  8. Roughing the kicker or holder. (9-4-5) i
  9. Roughing the snapper. (9-4-6)
  10. Fouls by K during a free or scrimmage kick down prior to the end of the legal kick. (10-4-2 EXCEPTION)

ART. 2 . . . The enforcement spot for any foul by the defense is the goal line when the run ends in the end zone and would result in a safety.


10.5.2 SITUATION: A’s ball second and 5 from its own 9-yard line. A2 muffs the handoff and the ball rolls into A’s end zone. A1 picks up the ball and is immediate- ly tackled by B3 in the end zone. B3 grasped A1 by the face mask/helmet opening in making the tackle. RULING: If A declines the penalty, this play would result in a safety. If the penalty is accepted, it will be enforced from the goal line, making it first and 10 for A from its 15-yard line. (8-5-2b)

ART. 3 . . . The score is nullified if the penalty is accepted for a foul, other than nonplayer or unsportsmanlike, by A which occurs during a down resulting in a successful try, field goal or touchdown.


10.5.3 SITUATION A: With third and 6 from B’s 35-yard line, a pass from A1 is intercepted at B’s 25 by B1 who advances for an apparent touchdown. During the run by B1, A1 kicks B2. RULING: B may (a) accept the touchdown and enforce the penalty on the try or on the subsequent kickoff; (b) decline the penalty. In either case, A1 is disqualified for fighting. (8-2-3, 9-4-1)

10.5.3 SITUATION B: Third down and 15 on A’s 40-yard line. A1 drops back to throw a pass. The pass is completed to A2 who scores on the run following the reception. During the down, (a) A3 holds B1 on A’s 37-yard line or (b) A’s coach is observed standing inbounds on B’s 20-yard line. RULING: (a) If B accepts the penalty for holding by A3, the score is nullified and following enforcement, it will be A’s ball, third down and 25 to go on A’s 30. In (b), the score stands. Following enforcement, the try will be from A’s 18-yard line or the foul may be enforced on the subsequent kickoff. (8-2-4, 9-2-1c, 9-8-1k, 10-5-3)

10.5.3 SITUATION C: Late in the game R is trailing by nine points as K prepares to punt from its 4-yard line. During the kick, K2 holds R4 in the end zone. R5 re- turns the punt for a touchdown. RULING: R may (a) accept the penalty, score the safety and have K free-kick from its 20-yard line or accept the penalty with the distance penalty enforced on the subsequent try; or (b) decline the penalty and accept the results of the play, which would be a touchdown. (8-2-3, 10-4-2 EXCEPTION)

ART. 4 . . . If the offensive team throws an illegal forward pass from its end zone or commits any other foul for which the penalty is accepted and measurement is from on or behind its goal line, it is a safety.


10.5.4 SITUATION A: A’s ball second and 5 from its own 9-yard line. A2 fumbles the ball on his own 5-yard line and the ball rolls into the end zone. A1 recovers the ball in the end zone and is downed in the end zone, but B3 held A3 while the ball was loose. RULING: A undoubtedly will accept the penalty, because to decline would result in a safety. The foul occurred during a loose-ball play, there- fore, the previous spot will be the enforcement spot, making it first and 10 for A from its own 19-yard line.

10.5.4 SITUATION B: During the last timed down of the first half, A1 retreats into his own end zone to attempt a pass, but he is downed there. During the down there is holding in the end zone by: (a) A2, or (b) by B1. RULING: In (a), it is a safety and B would score 2 points whether the penalty is accepted or declined since the run ended in the end zone and the foul was in the end zone. If B accepts the penalty, the period is not extended with an untimed down. In (b), if the penalty is accepted it will be enforced from the goal line and the period is extended.

ART. 5 . . . The enforcement spot is the dead ball spot for roughing the passer when the dead ball spot is beyond the neutral zone and there has been no change of team possession.

ART. 6 . . . A disqualified player shall be removed. 

TABLE 10-4 

Enforcement provisions apply to all player fouls, and the committee philosophy is based on the fact that a team is given the advantage of the distance which is gained without the assistance of a foul. All fouls are penalized from the basic spot unless the spot is otherwise specified by rule.
The type of play has significance if a foul occurs. If a foul does occur, the game officials must know the type of play as defined in 2-33, as this will aid in determining the basic spot of enforcement when the spot is otherwise specified by rule. Recent changes to 10-4 specify the data needed by the game official regarding the spot of the foul and the result of the play to help guide penalty enforcement. 

A Behind Line of Scrimmage Behind Line of Scrimmage Previous Spot 10-4-2d
A Behind Line of Scrimmage Beyond Line of Scrimmage Previous Spot 10-4-2e
A Beyond Line of Scrimmage Behind Line of Scrimmage Previous Spot 10-4-2f



Beyond Line of Scrimmage


Beyond Line of Scrimmage

Beyond Line of Scrimmage


Beyond Line of Scrimmage

Foul Behind End of Run or Related Run – Spot of Foul

Foul Advance of End of Run or Related Run – Succeeding Spot




B Behind Line of Scrimmage Behind Line of Scrimmage Previous Spot


B Behind Line of Scrimmage Beyond Line of Scrimmage Succeeding Spot 10-4-5f
B Beyond Line of Scrimmage Behind Line of Scrimmage Previous Spot 10-4-2d
B Beyond Line of Scrimmage Beyond Line of Scrimmage Succeeding Spot 10-4-5f